Thursday, January 15, 2009

EXCERPTS,previously sent12-15,19-08
12-15-08. This residency needs assistance with this situation.
The only solution appears to be to proceed with the Injunction Violations process.This requires police reports.Thus far, this cannot be circumvented without the added expense of attorney's fees,-again.
It appears that no one wants the mess made out of this situation,before and after the Settlement Agreement ,discussed outside the city. If law enfor. is going to continue to protect the S/Ws,the S/Ws are just going to continue to harass.There is no point in even trying to say that any of this was handled right, from the very beginning.
Again,this residency needs assistance with the process.
The situation with the S/Ws continues to be problematic.
No one in LHP lived or lives this way.
Thank you. Gail Pfistner/Dullenkopf residence 3540 N.E. 28 Ave. LHP. 954-943-4386
12-19-08. I have not gotten any reply on the reports necessary for the Sett.Agree./Injunction process.
I don't think people would have done this to residency,for more than one month,even if the LHPPD and Atty. E.Bruce Johnson said it was alright to do so,and I don't think would have spent over $30,000.00 trying to stop it.
I need at least two surgeries each requiring at least a month recovery and I cannot do that being harassed or having anyone who comes over here being harassed.It is ridiculous that this even needs to be a factor or discussed.
The S/Ws violated every part of the Agreement,except possibly for the filing ,as that is not done when they lie.
This situation needs to be finalized and the violation process is the only solution.That was known when it was drafted
There has to be some degree of fairness coming from some part of this city.
Thank you, Gail Pfistner 3540 N.E.28th Ave.LHP.954-943-4386
6-10-10.THERE HAS BEEN A PROBLEM PROCEEDING TO THE NEXT SET OF EMAILS, NEWER POSTS, WHERE THERE IS A LOT OF INFORMATION. JUST KEEP TRYING. THANK YOU. Ultimately, the entire blog will be put inside the website for safer keeping.


Tues.8-31-09.This is not a crank complaint.The S/Ws are in the habit of, while 'cleaning their pool pump filter', stretching it out sometimes for 30-45 minutes and doing it in between these garages while they 'yell talk', last time Lori complaining about how hard the last ten years had been for her. ? This is audible throughout this backyard and into this house as to how it is usually noticed. This is the closest proximity to this patio and the 'yell talking' is obvious. However, today, approx.3.PM., they were not just 'yell talking', they were yelling and Lori was right up to this interior fence,not in between the garages or behind the remaining 6 6 ft. shadowbox fence piece still there. It was obvious. Again,this is not a crank complaint. It is the mindset situation and they certainly can still be confident about all the protection they got for the,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
9-1-10.This really is not that irrelevant.Neither was paying over $30,000.00, putting up a website and a blog, and emailing. 9-1-10.The S/Ws are still doing the obligatory pattern of throwing one item of debris onto this property and will probably continue as it was just mentioned as a pattern, We still have to pick it up after a decade.The Sett. Agree.was to prevent that. However, since they got away with dislodging 6ft.shadowbox fence piece and dumping it into this backyard, leaving it for weeks, see email code enfor. insert date, this is very easy for them to continue.It's just a reminder they can and will do something.The reinforced mindset is very bad. It's important to keep notice of everything as, already stated, the mindset is still bad, and the S/Ws have been protected and cleared for a decade and can just just start up all over again. cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
9-1-10.John and Lori came out approx. 2:30 use the pool and to 'yell talk' really loud for about 30-45 mins., especially John who was so loud, it sounded as if it were the workers on 28 Ave.This was obvious by volume and consistency which isn't easy to do.
He is always particularly irksome because of his arrogance and confidence about his protection now and for the decade. He couldn't get away with a decade of all that anywhere else. None of them could.The mindset is still bad.These were the worst people to give a decade of protection and clearing to.Where's the reports for the Sett.Agree.Violation process?
cc:web,blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Happy Specific Ethics for Everyone Else Year!"9-4sat1:30 P.M..Lori 'yell talks' really complaining in their pool.John only stays out with her a few minutes and does not 'yell talk'.


8-30-10. The 5-25-04 Audio Website Segment:
The description is wrong.The correct description follows below. I didn't have a whole lot of internet savvy when the website was put up.This was a big endeavor with all the audio which had to be changed from cassettes which were too cumbersome and outdated to use for help.I never went into the website after it was put up so as not to disturb anything, not even for the grammatical mistakes on the written part which was written at the beginning of all this.
Every now and then, the audio website is relistened to for referrals, dates,etc., made on the emails and blog, which is uncomfortable to say the least and avoided whenever possible. What was anyone thinking to continue, protect, and clear all this?
Particularly unnerving is rehearing the 5-25-04 segment, six and 1/2years into the targeted harassment and stalking, when Lori confidently taunts, 'screech sings' and taunts while 'screech singing' right up to this interior backyard six ft. shadowbow fence, eight feet off this pool, for hours.
5-25-04: 5-25 family fight/ 5-27 taunts and 'screech singing'/ 5-17 taunts and lies/ 5-05 family fight/ 5-14,17, taunts while 'screech singing.There is more of this on the other segments.
By that time, I had two cassette recorders ready to use,as the anctics were frontyard, backyard, and between the garages, so when the dates/segments were put on one tape,they were not aways put in order.There was a lot of stress while this was being done.
I think that was the year,check date, that Det.L.Hawkins and Sgt.C.Oh got joint "Ofcs. of the Year Awards" for setting up C.O.P., with of course good P.R.
'If anyone is still trying to defend the decade', think if you would want to put up with this/the above for years along with everything,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.

8-31-10.Where's the reports for the Sett.Agree violation process? The emails were started in the ninth year of the targeted harassment and stalking to stop the deliberate intolerable harassing cd technique, that 'issue cd' blasted over and over for hours as routine, a violation. Months into this,when directly talking to the Chief,I told him how much it would cost for the an attorney to do it. I didn't come right out and say it was of course more costly because of the S/Ws' law enfor. protection which would have to be counteracted, but that was pretty much understood. And it was pretty much 'understood' that the Circuit Court case cost so much more because of the S/Ws' inexplicable law enfor. protection. Why was Ofc.Hawkins brought back? Why is Cmdr.Oh still employed? What they did from the beginning of all this is considered out of this city to be unethical and illegal. cc:web,blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Happy Specific Ethics for Everyone Else Year!"

9-8-10.The S/Ws' mindset is still bad and determined which is alarming.Tues. morning,9-7, the power went off and when the S/Ws' A.C. stopped pumping, they could immediately be heard from inside their main house, yelling, arguing, complaining, and plotting, about this residency. Very upsetting. Mr.Starr is not any more logical than John or Lori. Among other things, the strip of lawn between the residencies not being mowed was a very big issue. Well....when some or all of them are gone, I do it quickly, but I really shouldn't do it now as this neck thing hasn't healed. From time to time Andy will do it and I stand and walk right next to him in case the S/Ws complain about him being there.The last time he mowed he just didn't want to deal with that strip. Years and years of the S/Ws calling their law enfor. whenever he tried to work in this yard do leave their mark. This is an experience most LHP residents can't even conceptualize let alone think of dealing with.A few months ago, I had a lawn service do it with the rest of the yard and Mr.Starr came out with Lori so she could 'mimic bang'. The S/Ws don't want anyone in this yard. So right now, it's not mowed. The S/Ws think that strip is just their wastebasket anyway.
We want to remove a tree, rubber tree with milky annoying sap, which is on the south side of this backyard.This requires tree trimmers. Once again, this is a problem as the S/Ws don't want anyone in this yard.
If I hadn't spent the ninth year of all this, while being blasted with that deliberate repetitive cd technique, a Sett.Agree. violation, among other things, emailing at least 20 people at least twice a week to get all this to stop, the only avenue, the S/Ws would probably still be getting someone in this city to help them further harass this residency.The only thing that worked/works was/is the emailing.
The reinforced mindset is still bad. They were/are the worst people to give a decade of protection and clearing to. Where's the reports for the Sett.Agree.? cc:web,blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Happy Specific Ethics for Everyone Else Year!"
9-11-10.Afternoon. I was in this pool alone.Lori came out to use their pool which was noticeable when Mr.Starr yelled to her from their main house and she yelled back to him from their backyard that she got his warning/message and repeated it,which was that I was in this pool and could look at her.Bad mindset.
9-11 Anniversary: With everything there was to think about that day, this residency still had to put up with another of the S/Ws' horrific family fights and with Lori coming in and out and back and forth to this backyard interior fence to scream at, bang, taunt, and threaten this residency, for hours. some on audio website.insert segment. Hawkins/Oh/Com.Lias. era policies.The events of that day didn't deter anything. This was already approx. 22 months into the targeted harassment, stalking and trespassing. Why Det.Hawkins and Cmdr. M.Oh remained salaried and Det.Hawkins was brought back is still unexplainable, along with the whole thing.
The mindset is still bad unnerving, and determined. Again, if I hadn't spent the ninth year of all this, while being blasted with that deliberate repetitive cd technique, a Sett.Agree.violation, among other things, emailing at least 20 people at least twice a week to get all this to stop, the only avenue, the S/Ws would probably still be getting someone in this city to help them further harass this residency.The only thing that worked/works was/is the emailing Where's the reports for the Sett.Agree. violation process? cc:web,blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Happy Specific Ethics for Everyone Else Year!"

9-15-10.RE: Sun Sentinel, Broward County Edition, Sept.14,2010, page1,A, '911 Abuse..........' Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. These people,S/Ws, constantly used the 911 situation as a harassment technique against this residency. They screamed threats that they could and would use it and gloated that they could. The amount of calls made in the past decade is unclear as these people were constantly protected and cleared within the framework of LHP. This started very early on when they realized he could drive out to a phone booth and do it anonymously, but they also used their land phone and their cell phones.At the end of the sixth year into the targeted harassment, stalking, and trespassing, this residency got an instated Circuit Court Sett.Agree./Injunction, which among other necessary things, stated pg.3,G.) 'They shall not cause the filing of a false police report.'with a steep fine, for prevention.This was not the worst part of this whole thing, but it should be noted it was used as a mechanism to threaten and harass.And it still could be. Thank you.
Addition: From the beginning, the LHP policy was that 'if these people thought staring was stalking', they could call for patrol cars.So,while there was no protection against their routine harassing, stalking, trespassing, banging, blasting/noise techniques, threatening, taunting, etc.etc.,they could call for patrol cars if anyone looked at them while they were doing it. They also didn't want anyone on this property as that 'harassed' them and called in if they just saw anyone including the residents in the this yard saying they were being 'harassed'.
This is a modern horror story.
cc:web,blog.All final editing dome on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Happy Specific Ethics for Everyone Else Year!"
9-18-10.Mr. Starr has been for days loudly complaining and yelling that he does not want to pay penalties. This has happened before.Then they loudly plot how to get out of it.The S/Ws violated every part of the Sett.Agree. from the time it was instated, knew it while they were doing it, and gloated that they could. 9-18-10.Afternoon. John came out to 'yell 'talk', noticable as it was audible into this house, announcing that he had 'walked along the perimeters'. (?) The trespassing thing, (?) The S/Ws' structure/house and garage was built very close to this property line, between the garages, approx. five feet. There were approx. five feet of bushes and plants extending out from their garage and house.
After the Sett.Agree., Lori, John, Mark, and Mr.Starr still came out to harass, stalk, tresspass, threaten, taunt,etc, etc.,between the garages and they did not do this standing and walking in the bushes and plants.
This was their regular routine pattern in the six targeted years before, which the Sett.Agree. was supposed to stop.
Anyone with a Sett. Agree./Injunction against them for trespassing, among other things, with a fine that steep, knows where the property line is.
The S/Ws had taken approx. 3-4 ft. of this property there from the beginning and used it to harass, stalk, threaten, taunt,etc.,on, even mowing it as if it was theirs and did not want to give it up.They got mulltiple patrol car visit here to try to stop the fence from going up to keep them out because they didn't want to give up what they had just basically taken. Finally, with the fence up,they trimmed back the bushes and plants along their house and garage to they could get through staying on their property. This has already been explained and explained. The problem is, the S/Ws knew the Chief would and did protect them from the violations process as he probably just didn't want this getting out of the city to be worked on.
Note: Also, after the hurricane when the interior fence came down, Mr. Starr was outside loudly waving his survey around to all the Ofcs. and code enfor. they called, so the fence pieces couldn't be worked on.This has already been explained and explained. I guess he just thought no one would question a three to four foot variable between the garages the S/Ws were using and, of course, no one did, even after the instated Sett.Agree.
John's gloating attitude has always been irksome and intolerable.There is still that memory of hearing and seeing John,with Mr.Starr next to him, yelling on the backyard property line that he hoped the city liened this house for thousands and thousands of dollars and took it.This was during the time this residency would not put an interior fence back up because the S/Ws had smashed it routinely and used it as a barrier to really harass for the previous six targeted years.This situation has already been explained and explained .It is still unexplainable as to why he got so much protection.
If it wasn't for the emailing, the only thing that worked/works, someone in the city would probably still be helping them harass,etc,
Where's the reports for the Sett.Agree.violations? What kind of plan was it to delete that with the notion that victims never complain or try to protect themselves?
9-19-10.Lori and Mr.Starr, about noon, in their backyard, Lori in their pool, 'yell talking' and complaining, audible into this backyard and porch. Mr Starr is very adamant about pursuing the 'Lori can be watched' complaint.So is she This didn't go on too long. Bad reinforced mindset.This is probably to try to counteract the Sett.Agree.violations questions.They don't need to do that.They have the Chief to do that.If it weren't for the emails, the only thing that worked/works, someone in this city would still probably be helping them harass,etc. cc:web, blog.All final editing done on the,blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Clean Up the Swamp!" "Someone Else Spend $30,000.00!" "Win with Oblivion!'' "Happy Specific Ethics For Everyone Else Year!"
Note:These latest sent emails are being posted at the end of this segment obviously out of sequence because of a posting problem.Disregard them until the end of the blog where they belong.Sorry for the inconvenience.Thank you.

9-17-10.-Picture,second from left bottom on homepage, displayed in sent emails- 9-17-10.This picture is from Chip LaMarca's election website. click MEDIA. Is this Det./Ofc. L Hawkins in the picture with him? Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 "Clean Up the Swamp!" "Someone Else Spend $30,000.00!" "Win with Oblivion!'' "Happy Specific Ethics For Everyone Else Year!"

9-18-10. Re:9-17-10.LaMarca website/chip and hawkins
This isn't just a random photo found and used by someone to misconstrue something. This is a chosen photo for an election website. So is the homepage. Chip LaMarca gives the web address in his message phone calls, which is how this was noticed when this residency was called, 9-17-10. Another nice PR picture surprise. There is a central sort of dumbness in the way this decade plus mess was handled within LHP, which shouldn't be extended into the wider range of county responsibilities.There isn't any need for any more warnings. They just keep popping up. cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog.
9-20-10.The LaMarca campaign did not throw the city under the bus by producing added exposure.The exposure was inevitably coming anyway.The S/Ws and their law enfor. were cleared to continue and didn't want to stop and still don't.This was really evident at the beginning of the disastrous, intolerable, ninth year into the targeted harassment,stalking,etc.,when emails had to be sent to over 20 people at least twice a week to try to get some help, and the documents had to be sent, while the Chief still tried, fumbling, to clear the S/Ws and their law enfor. who had let all this happen.The exposure was coming.The city had already pretty much driven the bus over itself.
Although.........perhaps, Det./Ofc.L.Hawkins, a major architect of this decade plus mess, and the only Ofc. on the LaMarca election website, could start working for the LaMarca campaign, explaining how it really is a good idea to come grandstanding out of LHP expounding on how other people should act ethically,which would be safe, as this is a specific ethic area and not an overall main one. Since he is an Ofc.of the year and Keeper Days recipient, and this looks good on paper, he might be good for the job. The sad and bizarre thing is, the LaMarca campaign, hypothetically speaking, might think this is a good idea.
cc:web,blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
"Clean Up the Swamp!" "Someone Else Spend $30,000.00!" "Win with Oblivion!'
"Happy Specific Ethics For Everyone Else Year!"

9-21-10.Re: Sun Sentinel,South Florida,9-21-10. Page 3B.'Commission candidates debate ethic, traffic woes'.
9-24-10.It's a good thing this debate was about a specific ethical situation an not an overall ethical situation. Coming out of LHP, grandstanding and expounding on how other people should act ethically as election fodder, is not a laughing matter. To be continued. Thank you .cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 "Clean Up the Swamp!" "Someone Else Spend $30,000.00!" "Win with Oblivion!'' "Happy Specific Ethics For Everyone Else Year!"
9-24-10.Note: As a fairly inconsequential side note,.........I have a time consuming,deterring, current medical situation,- neck, arms, shoulders,- was at the neurosurgeon's office Mon. discussing a second neck disc surgery, was at another Dr.'s office Wed. for over 4 hours, and have an another MRI scheduled for today. I did not know about the debate on Mon. until today, Fri., when someone showed me the article in the Tues.paper. None of the emails were timed or done with any debate in mind. Things just keep popping up. The website, emails, and blog were/are done for necessary assistance and referral. The emails were/are the only thing that worked/works. Thank you. cc:web, blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.

9-23-10.The S/Ws have been increasingly expounding on the 'they can be watched' thing, excessively, which is increasingly unnerving. Anytime they see us, backyard, driveway, anywhere on this property.
In any situation which is reality based, which it was not in LHP, anyone targeting, threatening, screaming at, taunting, blasting, and flat out torturing, for years and years and years, would expect to be watched. However, in LHP, the above things were protected and cleared while the S/W's complaint that they were being looked at or watched, the 'staring is stalking' thing, was used by them for complaints.This policy was instated at the beginning and the ramifications and end product are still being felt today. Perhaps, Det./Ofc. L.Hawkins could explain his/this policy, unless he is busy doing important PR work somewhere else.
In the meantime,the S/Ws are crafty enough to use something.This may be to try to counteract the violations fines which they do not want to pay, but they already had the Chief for that.
This is still very unnerving, bad, reinforced mindset. If it weren't for the emailing, the only thing that worked/works, someone in this city would probably still be helping them harass this residency. cc:web, blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Happy Specific Ethics For Everyone Else Year!"

Sorry to be editing while emailing. I didn't expect this.
TO BE EXPLAINED. TOO UPSET RIGHT NOW.THIS IS A VERY, VERY SLIPPERY SLOPE. cc:web, blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. When the list of patrol car visits against this residency by the S/Ws is examined from Dec.99 through 10-08, this is clearly an abuse of law enfor. power.When the list of the S/Ws' protected and cleared episodes for over a decade is examined, this is clearly a case of misuse of law enfor. power.
9-26-10.As a pattern about once a week, the S/Ws, 'work on/clean their pool pump,' 'yell talking' and yelling with Lori usually complaining, in between the garages, for lengthy periods of time, the closest they get to this patio with an excuse. This is deliberate and obvious and I just usually get out of this backyard. However they have been working their way closer and closer to this backyard interior fence. For a while they stayed behind the remaining 6 ft. shadowbox fence piece still left there. But,today, Mr.Starr just put his chair right up to this fence and sat in it able to stare directly at me. Note:There's been a lot of foliage growth so there really is only approx. 2and 1/2 feet along 48 ft.where he could do this with visibility.The S/Ws know what they are doing. So, this time,I went inside and got the recorder and camera and took his picture from about the middle of this backyard, saying nothing. I tried to take the pictures when he wasn't looking directly at me, but he saw me and yelled some things about taking his picture, check recorder, and I went inside. I went out to get the recorder and he sat right back there again yelling saying he could take my picture.I went inside.
Then, this north doorbell was rung over and over. Then the front doorbell was rung over and over with someone yelling Hello or something.When I got to the front door this person had left and I said who's there? and this person came back and it was a LHP police Ofc.with a complaint from the S/Ws that I had taken their picture........(?) The patrol car was in front of the S/Ws .
This was really shocking and I did not take this well, to say the least. This Ofc.who I had never met before, Ofc.C. Roldan, did not want to hear anything about any preceding events, just wanted to discuss why would I take a picture of someone in their own backyard saying you cannot take pictures of people in their yard, and that's when I said I was calling the City Admin. I called dispatch and talked to 'Jack' who defended sending a patrol car.I did ask how did that patrol car get out. Bringing up a decade of harassment and stalking, a Circuit Court Sett.Agree./Injunction, $30,000,00,etc., goes nowhere in LHP as the S/Ws always had/have law enfor. protection and clearing. Ofc.C.Roldan was not the most abrasive, was just another 'last staw', and was used. There will be more 'new' people. The website, blog, and emails will probably have to be up for a long time.

Note;It was more than just a little annoying and upsetting to hear an Ofc, say you cannot take pictures of people in their yard when the S/Ws had been doing that for years while threatening, screaming at, trespassing, taunting, and gloating.There's always been a double standard with law enfor.when dealing with the S/Ws, a big unethical and probably illegal double standard.
Please be reminded, Lori spent a lengthy period of time, insert dates,yelling, threatening, taunting, trespassing, while taking pictures directly at us, company and the children, yelling she could and we couldn't get any help.That is still a vivid memory.Added:At the very beginning, when she was standing on the chair at the fence screaming, Mark was coaxing her to take pictures of the inside of this house while she was up there. She actually put on chair right on the backyard property line when they had to remove the fence pieces,sat in it, and taunted and yelled at us that she could take our pictures. That was after she had walked the backyard property line yelling at Andy while he was trying to brush the pool, "Hey A------, now I can take your picture!" ,by then a Sett.Agree.violation. Lori had already yell announced that she had a digital camera to make it easier to do this when she got her first one.
Please be reminded, that while Mr.Starr, Lori, and Mark, trespassing, screamed, threatened, and taunted us, north driveway, John was trespassing with a video camera trying to get a reaction they could use to say they were being harassed. And they got patrol cars.
And the opposite: Please be reminded, that when John was still trespassing between the garages, before the orange mesh fence went up to stop that, and waving at me while he would go back and forth with Lori out there with him, and when I finally got the camera to take pictures of it, Lori and John got patrol cars over here saying it was harassing them because I was trying to take his picture and nothing was done about the trespassing even when I said I had a Sett.Agree./Injunction to stop it.
The mindset is still bad and determined.If this was meant to taunt to try to provoke a reaction and this time it did, the S/Ws got what they wanted, another patrol car and a chance for a written complaint, probably to take some where to cause trouble.The S/Ws have been cleared to just start up again and they just did with their favorite thing, patrol cars.
It has been a big, big relief not to have to deal with the S/Ws' patrol cars.
There should have been an outside investigation all along with all of this. That will be a draining experience to relive all this so it wasn't really pursued. However with this staring up again ,it's probably better to be drained by that.
There also is the question, will law enfor. just let the S/Ws loose again as leverage?
cc:web, blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
When the list of patrol car visits against this residency by the S/Ws is examined from Dec.99 through 10-08, this is clearly an abuse of law enfor. power.When the list of the S/Ws' protected and cleared episodes for over a decade is examined, this is clearly a case of misuse of law enfor. power.
9-30-10. It is still not the least bit amusing that one of the most unethical Ofcs. in LHP, costing this residency tens of thousands of dollars, is the one chosen for the LaMarca campaign website.
Edit, finish, add
9-30-10.Another episode. Another bad episode.I had previously called Senator LeMieux's offices explaining that there was a bad mess in LHP, not at that time specifically asking for help.I decided to call again today to say there was another incident Sunday and I needed help, when I opened the Deerfield Observer and saw that Senator LeMeiux had endorsed C.LaMarca in LHP last Friday. It is probably just a coincidence that there was another really lame police incident on Sunday,the first one in a long,long time. (?) I haven't spoken to anyone in the city since the police and harassment incidents 10-08, when I spoke toCity Administrator, John Lavisky, a Commissioner, and one LHP Ofc. The only thing that worked/works was/is the emailing.I left a mesage for Mr,Lavisky Sunday and called him today,Thurs., and he answered.
I had really thought that there was at least someone in this city in this residency's corner.Unfortunately, Mr Lavisky tried to be very evasive saying he didn't know what was going on which was very easy to counteract.He did say he and Chief Licata rehired Det./Ofc.L.Hawkins because there was a vacancy.(?) He tried to flam flam around the S/Ws' situation by saying this was two neighbors fighting,civil, and I had to remind him that no, it was being harassed and stalked with police protection and the problem was with the police doing it. I did ask him what were we supposed to do about the $30,000 and not being able to use the house normally.He is pretty much in the law enforcement corner, that law enforcement did not do anything wrong or he didn't know about it. He said I was trying to twist things and I told him that was not the case and that he knew it. He said he had to go.
The situation was left unresolved.
There is more to this. It just needs to be presented not so off the cuff.
Exactly what is this residency supposed to do now?
To be continued...............
I had called Senator LeMieux's office where there was some effort to tell me what to do,and was told that this was not a federal issue but a county prosecutor's issue. That's a lot of work. This residency has already spent too much time and money trying to stop the S/Ws and bad law enforcement.To be continued............
There also is the question, will law enfor. just let the S/Ws loose again as leverage?
cc:web, blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
When the list of patrol car visits against this residency by the S/Ws is examined from Dec.99 through 10-08, this is clearly an abuse/misuse of law enfor. power.When the list of the S/Ws' protected and cleared episodes for over a decade is examined, this is clearly a case of abuse/misuse of law enfor. power.
10-1-10. Mayor F. Schorr, Mr. J. Lavisky,
What exactly is the City saying this residency did wrong for the past decade? Could this be listed?
What exactly are Det./Ofc.L.Hawkins, Cmdr.M.Oh, and Chief Licata sayng this residency did wrong for the past decade? Could this be listed?
Generalizations have been/are damaging, slanderous, and costly.What are the specifics?
If the allegation of 'neighbor fighting- two party' is still going to be used by the City as explanation, can the list of specific infractions this residency did to the S/Ws be stated for the past decade?
Since Det.L.Hawkins and Cmdr. M.Oh have been here and in charge since the beginning, they should be able to produce this.
At this point, this explanation/excuse is more than just a little unsettling and shouldn't be used, and if it is going to be continually used, some facts should be presented with it.
These questions are going to come up anyway as the situation will never be fixed from inside this city with whitewash coverups.
-What are the Det.L.Hawkins and Cmdr. M.Oh statements on the Atty.McLean situation with the tapes?
-Being completely exasperated and blurting out 'wanting that $30,000.00 back', is not any kind of extortion,leverage scenerio. Everything has been so dirty, nothing would be done regarding that without a really competent attorney.
cc:web blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
When the list of patrol car visits against this residency by the S/Ws is examined from Dec.99 through 10-08, this is clearly an abuse/misuse of law enfor. power.When the list of the S/Ws' protected and cleared episodes for over a decade is examined, this is clearly a case of abuse/misuse of law enfor. power
10-3-10.Robert and Margret Thompson, entusiastic and awarded C.O.P. members,were seen walking around this residency, plainclothes. This is new.This could have been just a new kind of exercise for them.The times in the past when they were seen in uniform and patrolcars, there was no attempt with any assistance for this residency.They just wanted to get quickly away, even if it was to just say hello as they had been neighbors for years.
If there are any residents in LHP who knew how badly, this residency needed help, it was them, as they had terrible problems with the S/Ws years before the S/Ws targeted this residency. Sgt. C.Oh is their son-in-law. See blog emails with the Thompsons' situation. Insert dates. There is something not very reassuring about seeing them again. Hopefully this is just a new walk route and is nothing to do the the S/W problem as this won't help and hasn't in the past.
cc:web blog.All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
When the list of patrol car visits against this residency by the S/Ws is examined from Dec.99 through 10-08, this is clearly an abuse/misuse of law enfor. power.When the list of the S/Ws' protected and cleared episodes for over a decade is examined, this is clearly a case of abuse/misuse of law enfor. power.
Not political,edit
10-5-10,We are quite concerned about a relative, a niece's husband. just deployed to Afganistan, Lt.Col., ballistic missles. He has never been to this residency, his wife spent years and years listening to the S/Ws,even before this residency was targeted, and has not been here in years, and the children have never been here.The Boca condo is used for family gatherings. Any visiting was/would have been good open opportunity for the S/Ws to harass and to possibly get a patrol car visit against a military person, and to try to get a report to further harass, probably by a training cop who couldn't spell or write out a report. It is still another vivid memory the the day someone tried to call me to try to tell me and put it of for hours that his mother had died because I was busy with the S//Ws and another one of their patrol cars visits-when they didn't want to stop harassing and trespassing between the garages and they didn't want a fence there so they called for and got patrol cars.That one situation was a minimum of four different officers and four different patrol cars and I had already been in constant contact with code enfor. about the fence.
It is amazing how much the city and law enfor.will put on the line backing up the S/Ws, Det./Ofc. Hawkins and Cmdr.M.Oh and their policies.There needs to be an outside investigation.The emailing,started in the ninth year, was/is the only thing that worked/works. .cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Clean Up the Swamp!"
10-6-10.ADD.INSERT ABOVE. Note: At the end of the eighth year in and all of the ninth year when the repetitive cd technique was being extensively, deliberately, and routinely used, with an instated Sett.Agree. to prevent it, Lori yell announced that all this residency would have was tapes of music.-to try to prove something to stop it. This was opposed to the years and years of tapes of screaming at, threatening, taunting ,etc. which are more obvious. The S/Ws knew what they were doing. It's just that in LHP, they were protected and cleared anyway. Now they are protected and cleared to just start up all over again. At least it is now known there is a decade plus history with this.There will always be someone 'new' to use which is why the website, blog,and emailing will have to be up for a long,long time. The mindset is still bad, determined and unnerving. The emailing, stated in the ninth year,1-08, for help, was/is the only thing that worked/works.
Edit.10-6-10. Routinely, I pick up the leaves on the property between the garages and this driveway, trying to do it when none of the S/Ws are out there. Approx.1:30P.P.M.I was picking up the leaves there when Lori pulled into their driveway, and I just didn't stop and go inside.I continued.So Lori went inside came back out with Mr.Starr, wildly waving her arms, both complaining, and when I moved the garbage can I was using, they 'mimicked banged'. I went inside.The commotion and complaining continued into their backyard, audibly noticable.They probably called law enfor.They have probably have been calling the law enfor.a lot all along.
Bad, determined, unnerving mindset.The leaves won"t be picked up for awhile.
Previously stated,-'If it wasn't for the emailing, the only thing that worked,works, someone in the city would still be helping them harass this residency'.They seemed to have just managed to get past that, 9-26-10, when 'Jack', dispatch, tried to defend the patrol car visit. He said there had been a lot of complaints. What were they? There has been no contact with anyone since 10-08, just the emailing,when it became necessary that day.
The question remains,will law enfor. let the S/Ws loose again for leverage?.
cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Clean Up the Swamp!".
10-12-10.cont ....................... this residency has already been really tapped out by that. There is still the one, among many, vivid memory of the code enfor. patrol car pulling up half way diagonally into this driveway, with the flashing yellow lights on.(?) I had the grandchildren here that day. Also,the S/Ws knew that after a certain time, 6P.M.?, they could get a standard law enfor. patrol car for a code violation complaint instead of code enfor.vehicle, and would plot on doing that, loudly and audibly.They liked getting patrol cars.
10-12-10. Re: unrelated code issue question,done,finished................................
Gee, is this a bad time to ask, - again-, for the paperwork from the S/Ws being told to remove the 18ft..6ft shadowbox fence piece they dislodged and flipped onto this yard?, a Sett.Agree violation? specifically 3,#4. A.) 'They shall not physically enter or intentionally cause the entry of any object on the property located at 3540 N.E.28th Ave. LHP, Fl.'
That took weeks for the removal. We were told we couldn't remove it, then that it was ours after it was removed and then that it wasn't code enfor.'s job to know who's fence it was.
- And the paperwork for the removal of the other piece?. The two 18 ft 6ft. shadowbox fence pieces hung for months on opposite 45 degree angles and we were told we couldn't touch them.Then they deliberately flipped one piece into this yard,
I believe that was when Chief Licata was working directly with code enfor, and Com.Lias. There was a lot of fumbling trying to cover up the mess and the previous 5and1/2 years.This has already been blogged. Why was this information denied? Thank you.
Addition;When that fence piece was deliberalely dislodged and dumped, I immediately called and talked directly to code enfor.,T. Palmieri telling her what had happened. Anyone with a Circuit Court Sett.Agree./Injunction against them, with a fine that steep, would not have left that fence piece there for more than an hour after an instated Sett.Agree. But the S/Ws were very brazen and protected. They waited for until a standard fence removal order. When that happened, weeks later, John was out in their backyard, yelling really loud about it,as to how it was noticed, yelling how they had to get it done that day, and waving the paperwork around. It is still strange how the city/code enfor./ law enfor. still tried/tries to deny things and cover up about the S/Ws when they are so loud about what they did/do with that 'So,What!' attitude, while the fumbling cover ups were/are being tried. Lori was really mad about the fence removal. That was the day, after the fence was removed, she walked the interior border, eight ft. off this pool, yelling she could take our pictures, and put a chair right on the border, sat in it and yelled and taunted she could take our pictures.That was a violation, page 3,#4,C.).
That was where she/they had stood behind the six ft.shadowbox fence approx. eight ft, off the pool, and screamed at, banged, threatened, taunted, screech sung, etc.,etc., for years and years with law enfor protection and she was mad it was gone.
We just drove away. I took a picture of her siting in that chair with Mr.Starr in their backyard with her, from the inside of this house, as the S/Ws complain that taking pictures of them no matter what they are doing, harasses them and they call for patrol cars.
So, anyway where's the paperwork and the record of the fence removal? What was the point of denying it, except that it would have gone into the Sett.Agree/Injunction violations file where it belonged and that meant attention to this matter outside this city.
If the S/Ws had been fined possibly just once after the Sett.Agree./Injunction was instated, it might have prevented the really bad intolerable following years, which is what it was supposed to do.Instead, they got more protection and cover up to,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
10-13-10.This needs too be more cohesively written. But the point is still the same point.
10-13-10................. This residency will try to make a few repairs-south fence. Remember, this is a problem as the S/Ws don't like to see Andy or anyone working on this property. He's been reluctant to do anything here with all the past decade problems................
10-14-10.Past decade: It is usually anyone they see is harassing them just by being here. However,..... One episode, insert date.: Andy had been trying to repair some south interior fence slats. Sgt. A.Nestor drove in. The S/Ws had complained that we had taken slats from their fence to do it.What? This was startling. Who would have thought they would think of that? This garage door had been open the entire time Andy was working and our slat supply was clearly visible as it was right in the front of the open garage. I pointed out to Sgt.Nestor that the S/Ws, in their backyard, were taking a lot of pictures of him with us in this backyard, which they would probably just try to use to cause further trouble.
Another episode.At the beginning of all this, Det.Hawkins in charge: I heard Lori yelling to someone and looked out the kitchen window to see her backing her car in the road in front of this residency, north side about 1/3 of the property, going back and forth nonstop backwards over and over while yelling to someone I couldn't see.I went to the porch to see what was going on and opened the door and Mr.Starr was waiting with a video camera and taped me opening the door with a big smirk on his face.I shut the door.The S/Ws complained that I harassed Lori by looking at her when she pulled her car out. Det. Hawkins actually gave me a little talk here trying to explain that Lori has to back her car in front of this residency to get it out. I said that's wasn't a problem, but that's not what they were doing or their point in what they just did.
That was when the S/Ws were full force raging, fighting with each other, and harassing, stalking, trespassing, banging, blasting, threatening, taunting, etc,,etc., us and anyone who dared to come here as routine. See audio tapes,website. And it couldn't be stopped. But the S/Ws could call for patrol cars over that' if they think staring is stalking' thing, even if doing the above when complaining.
Another episode:I was trying to put up the holiday lights in the front yard and the S/Ws saw me and Lori immediately got into her car to take pictures and/or video tape me from the road in front of this house and yelled at me later from their backyard that she had done it.Same behavior going on discussed above.
There are a lot of episodes.These have already probably been blogged, but in LHP, you have to repeat and repeat. These come to mind because the S/Ws are still complaining they can be looked at-very bad unnerving, determind mindset- and the picture situation with the really big double standard.That's the latest audible complaint, that I was trying to take Lori's picture when I was just picking up leaves, which won"t be picked up for a long time, or someone is still trying to take her picture.
There always has to be caution with the S/Ws because their protection and clearing was/is so intense.That was a little too off the cuff and not careful enough,9-26, but there had been years and years of too much trouble with them at that spot.and they had been complaining and complaining they could be watched and that was the only 3 ft. place where he could sit and be able to stare.The 'they can be watched' and 'picture' thing' will probably go on for awhile.
The targeted harassment and stalking started Dec,99.
This is almost the end of the the eleventh year.
Before the S/Ws send any more patrol cars over here, there should be a logical look at their decade plus history.
There should also be a logical look at Det.Hawkins' and Cmdr.M.Ohs' decade plus history, both still salaried.
That conduct in dealing with this from the beginning was not just bizarre, it was unethical and illegal.What was the point? Why weren't people salaried to take care of a situation instead of salarying people to continue it and cover it up and clear it,and themselves? Probably because back then, they were running everything.
There needs to be an outside investigation.
More: 08.insert date. Andrea pulled into this driveway with the kids. Lori immediately came out their front door and took a steady stream of pictures of them while they got things out of the van and came inside.This was when the S/Ws were using the cd technique and Lori really blasted when she saw the kids,the entire time they were here. When they used the pool and were in this backyard, they just had to put up with it and it was bad. Andrea had a male friend with her this time who was astonished and started to say while in this driveway something to the effect of, "What are you doing? These are just little kids", and I literally dragged him by his arm into the house because if anyone said anything to the S/Ws they could get patrol cars. No one was allowed to say anything from here.The S/Ws were always trying to provoke a two party argument or fight.What they did and said really made men mad,and an involvement with a male visitor would have been a royal coup to complain and try to get a report to cause further trouble, especially if the visitor didn't get the extent of the S/Ws' protection.
To be Continued: cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
10-14-10.Cont.:More:07,insert date.John had been loudly 'yell complaining', audible as to how it was noticed, to two 35th Ct. residents that they,S/Ws, could be looked at because this residency wouldn't put up that interior fence.Then he got into his car, stopped it in the road and stared directly at me with a big smirk on his face and took pictures of me as I was taking garbage cans down this driveway. (?)
!0-16-10.Andy was able to do some work on the south interior fence without the usual anything. It's amazing what close to three years of emailing over 30 people at least twice a week will produce.The mindset is still bad, unnerving, and determined, complaining that they could be looked at and their picture taken. However that day, it was only done 'yell complaining' when the backyard sliding glass door of the main house was opened.They got a patrol car over that picture thing so they are probably asking for more of that.
The picture thing...Half way into all of this, I asked law enfor. what were the S/Ws doing with all the video and pictures they were taking. This was by far not the biggest problem at that time,but it as a concern and a big intrusion as the S/Ws were screaming, threatening, trespassing, taunting, gloating, etc, while they were routinely doing it, their excuse for doing it being anyone on this property harassed them and they were getting proof, and they screamed that too.This was basically just another way to also harass and the S/Ws knew the difference.
It does however show that with all that time and effort, they did not produce anything.
They were also doing this while they were really raging, fighting with each other, and routinely directly targeting, harassing, stalking, trespassing, banging, blasting, screaming at, taunting,etc.,etc., anyone on this property and nothing could be done about that
On the other hand this, picture thing, could not be done on this end no matter what the S/Ws were doing as they said it harassed them and, they did have law enfor.backup to complain. Pictures had to be taken carefully from inside this house.Not many were taken early on.Then, there were a few necessary ones. There have been some slipups.When,06,insert date, John was walking back and forth trespassing and waving at me between the garages and the driveways,with Lori with him, I had to stand in this driveway to take a picture and the S/Ws got patrol cars over that saying it harassed them. And the really sloppy 9-26 incident, when that should have been taken from inside this house, but a large bush just outside this porch window blocked it. I didn't need a lecture that day.That Ofc. was used,used good.
- This 'what happened' thing. Already complained about a lot. Newer Ofcs. should be told be told the truth as eventially the S/Ws will lure them into something. Like Riemer in a vest. It's a good thing the senior Ofc. with him that day had a brain.
-This 'neighbor two party arguing' thing.
Law enfor. and the City needs to stop using that.
Early on, in deposition, Atty.R,Yates asked if he could use the phrase 'neighbor dispute', 'for want of a a better word', and I said no.You could see where he was going with that. This residency had already spent too much time trying to stop the S/Ws and their law enfor. protection. But the S/Ws continued it as it gave them more credibility. It was better to be in that position than the one they were in. Det Hawkins and Cmdr.M.Oh were running things from the beginning and the S/Ws were running them and everyone.
-The 'in the past thing'. This lame excuse used regularly as technique and policy, that things in the past, , currently happening, and in the future could be dismissed after they were done by saying they were 'in the past'. The S/Ws used this from the beginning and still do.It knocks out the continual pattern thing.
Law enfor. and the City should not be doing this.
cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
9-30-10. It is still not the least bit amusing that one of the most unethical Ofcs. in LHP, costing this residency tens of thousands of dollars, is the one chosen for the LaMarca campaign website.
10-20-10.It was not the least bit amusing to receive in the mail today the latest LaMarca campaign flyer with the same Officer on,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
10-20-10.Mr.Lavisky, From the beginning, Det.L.Hawkins exhibited a keen sense of PR savvy, which by now has run more than a little thin. There is still the policy and conduct controversy. He should have said no to the website and flyer.He should not have been rehired.Thank you. cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
10-20-10.The S/Ws came outside,backyard, late afternoon,for a short period of time, to 'yell talk', loudly audible as to how it was noticed, complaining about how badly they were being treated. Bad unnerving mindset. Law enfor. reinforcing and protecting sociopathic behavior for over a decade is not a good idea.
REPOSITION.11-02-10.A lawn service, is being used today,approx.2:30P.M.,11-02-10, Election Day,which will include this property between the residencies. So, if there are any complaints by the S/Ws, it is very obvious what is being done. Before this started, I was on the north front lawn and in this driveway but not between the properties, checking the yard and the trash cans before he started, when Lori drove in, so there may have already been some complaints about being out there. Added.I did stand in this driveway and watch the lawnman's unlocked truck across the street,which he asked me to do,while he did this backyard with the weed whacker,and Mr.Starr drove out to go vote across the street right then.When the lawnman was blowing the lawn out of the road by this residency and the residency to the north of us which he had just done before this, a public worker joined in to do the same as he had been doing the median earlier.I was in the north front when that happened and Lori and John walked by to go vote. Anyway,....... the lawn got mowed with a lot of visibility. No further comment. cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.

REPOSITION.NEW:10-13-10.There may be an attempt to have some company here with children in the upcoming months and holiday season.There is a fear/reality that the S/Ws, if they see anyone here, will start up that intolerable, deliberate, repetitive cd technique, flat out torture thing, or something combining music and noise cds, a Sett.Agree. violation. It would just start up slowly and then increase, the standard objective and procedure, never just about playing music. Starting in the ninth year of all this, it took a year of emailing over 30 people at least twice a week to get it to stop, first blasted and then at various volumes, with an instated Circuit Court Sett.Agree./Injunction to prevent it. The S/Ws definitely made their point and accomplished their objective with that, along with everything else, with a lot of assistance.What was the Chief thinking? What was/is the point in even trying to cover the decade up? Wouldn't it have been better to salary ofcs. to stop the mess from the beginning instead of salarying ofcs. to keep it up and clear it?
cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
11-4-10.The Holidays are coming up.It would be nice to try to have some company here. But there is the harassment factor. It probably would not be the screaming, threatening, banging, trespassing,etc. things,but that repetitive cd technique,a Sett.Agree.violation, intolerable at any volume, is easy to use and to slowly just start up again and it could also be used as revenge for just having company, after the fact, which would be just as intolerable.
As Lori announced, while doing it full force, there would only be tapes of music, as opposed to tapes of threatening, screaming, banging etc.,which are more obvious, if they were done for proof .The S/Ws knew what they were doing when they used that technique.It took a year of emailing over 20 people at least twice a week, while complaining about it to the chief, to get that technique to stop.There is also the problem of the S/Ws calling their law enfor. to complain about anyone here as they don't want anyone here and they would try to get reports to further bother someone.Everyone in the past decade plus has been harassed in some way from intensely to moderately. It was just better to stay away, obviously probably the point and the objective.Lori had been defiantely and obviously strutting out and plunking down a music/noise maker device on their patio table such as when she saw Andy starting to work in this backyard as a warning taunt she could just start all that up back up again if she wanted to.

11-6-10.Mr.Starr and Lori sit out in their backyard for a shorter period of time but closer to this residency, Lori 'yell talking' to the effect about how badly they were treated.Very bad unnerving reinforced mindset.
cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.

Det.L Hawkins and Cmdr.M.Oh should not be still employed or salaried.
There's no one who would want to put up with stalking, harassing, trespassing, graphic screaming threats, blasting, fence smashing 8 ft. off the pool, screech singing, taunting, etc,etc.,for hours and hours a session,. among everything else, for a targeted 5and 1/2 years. Already explained and explained.
No one protecting and clearing this should be still salaried, protected, and cleared.
After 5and 1/2 years, the court tapes were given to the Commissioners which law enfor. already had.The S/Ws' episodes just before this were some of the worst with all four full force and especially with Lori screaming and trespassing, yelling the law had been changed and she could now shoot us in the back.There are a lot of the reasons why the Commissioners were approached. The Chief gave lame fumbling excuses to protect and clear the S/Ws and their law enfor.and diregarded the Sett/Agree./Injunction which was supposed to prevent all that.13 months of the 'cd technique' were really intolerable. It took a year of emailing back then to about 20 people, which increased, at least twice a week to get that to stop.
It was and still is in your face insulting for anyone to try to blame this residency when this residency was doing all it could to try and stop it, spending a lot of time and money. Emailing, now over 30 people, at least twice a week for almost three years is a lot of work.The S/Ws and their law enfor. are protected and cleared to just start up all over again.
Why are these people still employed?
cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.

10-18-10.There needs to be an outside investigation that can't be whitewashed from inside LHP, probably after the election, so it won't just get mixed up with campaigning, as this is a valid decade plus complaint.
Det.L.Hawkins received the Ofc.of the Year and Keeper Day Award, was rehired, and is the only Ofc.on the LaMarca election website.
Cmdr. M.Oh is still salaried.The editorial printed in the Deerfield Observer, insert date,was deleted from the archives.Who pressured that?
The three years spent stuck talking to the chief were exasperating, especially with that repetitive cd torture technique for the last 14 months. Privately I was calling him the torture chief, that he probably had a poster of Dick Chaney hanging somewhere. On the surface, this is this funny, but in reality,it is not.
It is a reasonable assumption that if the current city administrator had been in control of this from the beginning, 'Cops for Starrs' might not have happened, and it might not have to be explained, plugged,and
ineffectively damage controlled.
When Candidate for County Commissioner and LHP Commissioner C.LaMarca announced that "Broward County was the laughing stock of the state.", didn't he ever think anyone would be looking into the inner workings of his own city?
cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.

9-30-10. It is still not the least bit amusing that one of the most unethical Ofcs. in LHP, costing this residency tens of thousands of dollars, is the one chosen for the LaMarca campaign website.
10-4-10 .Re:Sun Sentinel,10-3-10,Local,B,page 1,"Keechl Campaign is county's closest."
If LHP Commissioner and Candidate for County Commissiomer, Chip LaMarca, does win the election, perhaps he could possibly do something about the LHP situation from that position, instead of continuing to do doing nothing about it from the one he has. It wouldn't be a good idea if he tried to bring his friends from LHP with him.There is still a big cautionary note about extending anyone with an oblivious style into such a wider range of county responsibilities.
cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Clean Up the Swamp!" "Someone Else Spend $30,000.00!'' "Happy Specific Ethics For Everyone Else Year!"
10-4-10 .Re:Sun Sentinel,10-3-10,Local,B,page 1,"Keechl Campaign is county's closest."
If LHP Commissioner and Candidate for County Commissiomer, Chip LaMarca, does win the election, perhaps he could possibly do something about the LHP decade situation from that position, instead of from the one he has now. It might be all over better if he took the situation with him out of LHP from where it has been controlled. There is a need for an outside investigation anyway with or without an election. This might bring real meaning to the campaign slogan,"Clean up the Swamp!" This residency should probably put up some LaMarca campaign signs. It might not be a good idea for him to try to bring his friends from LHP with him to the county.
cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Clean Up the Swamp!"
9-30-10. It is still not the least bit amusing that one of the most unethical Ofcs. in LHP, costing this residency tens of thousands of dollars, is the one chosen for the LaMarca campaign website.
10-11-10.When will LHP Commissioner and Candidate for County Commissioner, Chip LaMarca, address the decade situation in LHP? "Win With Oblivion!" is not the most practical solution. Grandstanding out of LHP, expounding on ethics, as campaign fodder, did revolve around specific ethics. This is an overall ethics and illegal situation. This situation cost taxpayers a lot of money. This situation cost this residency a lot of money.This situation should have been handled in a maximum of six months. If Commissioner LaMarca does win this election, he would be in a better position to straighten it out.
There is no logical explanation as to why still salaried law enforcement gave the S/Ws so much unethical and illegal service for a decade plus while this residency spent so much time and money trying to fend off both. There needs to be an outside investigation .Who better to do this than an elected official campaigning on 'ethics' issues.Not 'knowing' about this decade situation in a small city is no longer applicable.
cc:web,blog. All final editing don on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Clean Up the Swamp!"
11-05-10 .Congratulations to LHP Commissioner Chip LaMarca on his County Commissioner campaign.When will he address the decade situation in LHP, or is all that clearing,etc.,by the participants still considered an easy skate and someone else's problem? Thank you.
cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
11-8-10.Re: Mrs LaMarca upset and unhappy about negative ads.
That was unfortunate and could have been presented differently.
However, C.LaMarca did have Det./Ofc.L.Hawkins on his website and flyer.He should not even be still employed.
How upset and unhappy would Mrs.LaMarca be if her fence was smashed for over five years, everyone was screamed and threatened out of her backyard and driveway for over five years,the repetitve deliberate cds technique had to be listened to for 13 months, over $30,000.00 had to be spent to try and use the property, emails had/have to be sent to over 20 people at least twice a week to try to stop and prevent all this,etc.,etc.,all with law enfor. protection?
How upset and unhappy one becomes is relative.
This decade situation remains unresolved.
C.LaMarca did come grandstanding out of the gates on ethics as campaign fodder. He should have paid more attention to what was happening in his own small city before calling Broward County the laughing stock of the state. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. "Clean Up the Swamp!''
Note:This residency had no knowledge that those kind of ads were to be used until they were received in the mail like everyone else.The County Commission job performance has been exemplary and the big picture should not be defined by a few ads.The art of politicking has nothing to do with the necessary skills of job performance.They are two separate things.Some people are better at either than than others.

This residency had/has been trying for years and years to get help. Maybe someone heard about it.

12-9-10.Re:12-9-10.11-15-10.Re: 11-11-10.'Deerfield Observer.Sandy on Society'. It is inappropriate for LHP Commissioner, Sandy Johnson, knowing the inner workings of LHP, to start sticking Chief Licata in her column again, giving him good PR. He acted unethically and illegally. It's a little too pushy to just act as if everything is alright with that and that whole situation. And again, Det./Ofc.L.Hawkins should not have been rehired. This decade situation has not been resolved. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates.
11-30-10.When will former LHP Commissioner and newly elected, 'ethics orientated', County Commissioner, C.LaMarca, address the unethical and illegal decade situation in his own city? Starting in the beginning of the ninth year of all that, emails had to be sent to at least 20 people at least twice a week, for assistance, and that included him. LHP is not a large city.
It is hoped the County Commissioner seat will not just become a larger venue for flim flam, coverup, and clearing explanations over this. It was just a little too tactless and cozy to put that one Officer, a major player, on his election website and flyer while he was grandstanding on ethics, specific or otherwise.Thank you. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. The BLOG has to be resetup.There is difficulty getting into the last segment which has a lot of information.Printouts and the whole segment on one email are available.
This BLOG has to be reset up and will eventially be put into the website in its entirety for safer keeping as protection and referral are still necessary.Thank you.
12-13-10.As Mayor F.Schorr and Commissioner S.Johnson are up for reelection in March, when will they address the decade situation in LHP? Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. The BLOG has to be resetup.There is difficulty getting into the last segment which has a lot of information.Printouts and the whole segment on one email are available.Thank you.
12-14-10.The reinforced mindset is still bad and will now probably never change, The S/Ws would if they could. The only solution was to try to stop the S/Ws' law enforcement and others from helping, protecting, covering, and clearing them and themselves.That has involved a lot of emailing to anyone for assistance and a website and a blog.It's been a lot of work, but this residency would no longer pay to handle this as the standard avenues for stopping all this were always slammed by flim flam by people who should have known better and just stopped the problem. This "We does whats we wants here!" maintained policy should have been replaced by normal standards from the beginning.
"Happy Maybe Better LHP Ethics New Year!" Or, probably not. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. All final editing done on the blog. The BLOG has to be resetup.There is difficulty getting into the last segment which has a lot of information.Printouts and the whole segment on one email are available.Thank you.
12-16-10. As Mayor F.Schorr is up for reelection in March, when will he address the decade situation in LHP? Obviously, he was involved in the decision process to continue,while this residency was really trying to get it to stop.Thank you. cc:web,blog. All final editing done on the blog. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. The BLOG has to be resetup.There is difficulty getting into the last segment which has a lot of information.Printouts and the whole segment on one email are available.Thank you.
12-23-10.There will be someone on this property tomorrow, 12-24-10,an insurance inspector,scheduled for approx.10 A.M. Please be reminded, the S/W consider anyone on this property as 'harassing' them and they certainly have had the backup.We still don't have company.Thank you
11-30-10.When will former LHP Commissioner and newly elected, 'ethics orientated', County Commissioner, C.LaMarca, address the unethical and illegal decade situation in his own city? Starting in the beginning of the ninth year of all that, emails had to be sent to at least 20 people at least twice a week, for assistance, and that included him. LHP is not a large city.
It is hoped the County Commissioner seat will not just become a larger venue for flim flam, coverup, and clearing explanations over this. It was just a little too tactless and cozy to put that one Officer, a major player, on his election website and flyer while he was grandstanding on ethics, specific or otherwise.Thank you. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates. The BLOG has to be resetup.There is difficulty getting into the last segment which has a lot of information.Printouts and the whole segment on one email are available.
This BLOG has to be reset up and will eventially be put into the website in its entirety for safer keeping as protection and referral are still necessary.Thank you.
1-3-2011.Re:LHP decade situation.
12-31-10.There was nothing normal about this situation,-the S/Ws, their law enfor.,and the City's behavior. There were no normal avenues to stop it. There could be no normal reactions to it.
..........The S/Ws, their law enfor.,and the City probably thought/knew all along they could get away with all this and they probably still may.
However,......there will be enough documentation and publicity to stop all three of them from blaming, vilifying, and slandering this residency, while and after they are doing it. It's bad enough they did it. They can't have that too. And, they won't.Thank you. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates.All final editing done on the BLOG.
1-7-11.Why was Det./Ofc. L Hawkins rehired?Why is Cmdr. M.Oh still employed?
1-7-11.Re:LHP.Mayor F.Schorr's Reelection. As Mayor F.Schorr is up for reelection in March 2011, when will he address the decade situation in LHP, as he was obviously involved in the decision process to continue it. It seemed rather insane when the Mayor's wife, halfway through this, pulled up in her C.O.P. uniform and in a C.O.P. patrol car and announced, "Well. you should have moved!", but that was the standard by which the inner workings of LHP operated and handled this and was/became a good overall symbol of it. There were/have been no apologies for that or any of the decade.
Perhaps, a good campaign poster could be the Mayor's wife in a C.O.P uniform and in a C.O.P. patrol car with the caption, "We Do What We Want Here!" That poster would probably not appear in Commissioner S.Johnson's column.
It was not well thought out, with the length and level of meaness by all parties and especially by the protected S/Ws, to think that there would not be any less than civil retorts.This is a fairly civil retort.And at least this retort is legal.- Unlike what happened in LHP.
Please be reminded that the Det./Ofc.responsible for designing this policy and continuing it, received the Ofc.of theYear Award during one of the most horiffic years, and the Keeper Days Award,was rehired after a good 'PR retiring announcement'', and was then on County Commissioner C LaMarca's election campaign website and flyer, while he was campaigning, grandstanding on ethics.
And please be reminded that the emailing, starting in the beginning of the ninth year,and that was a very bad year,were/are the only thing that worked/works. A Circuit Court document was disregarded."We Do What We Want Here!''
Anyone still attempting to blame.villify, and slander this residency as cover up, should be reminded of the facts. This residency still does not have company. The harassing, stalking, and torture cds could just start up again at any time and no one trying to come here wants to be involved with the LHPPD in trying to stop it. So,it would just have to be put up with or leave. cc:web,blog.All final editing done on the blog.
1-7-11.Just seen. Actually appropriate after typing last email.Re: Deerfield Observer.1-6-11.Page 10."Sandy On Society".'Dinner on 35 Ct'.It must be nice to be able to have company. This residency wouldn't know. Appearances that all is well on 35 Ct.are not accurate.Thank you. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates.All final editing done on the BLOG.
1-10-11.Re:Mayor F.Schorr's Reelection.As Mayor F.Schorr is up for reelection in March 2011, when will he address the decade situation in LHP, as he was obviously involved in the decision process to continue it.It doesn't seem as if he needs to discuss this any more with the Chief to formulate something.
1-27-11.Deerfield 7.'Election Preview'.Mayor Schorr's comment,"It's nice because we have a well-run city with no big issues.'' is in question.
1-26-11.Any attempts to blame, vilify, or slander this residency are not the clearing solution.
What exactly is law enforcement saying this residency did wrong in the past decade?
What exactly is the City saying this residency did wrong in the past decade?
This has been an abuse and misuse of law enforcement power.
This has been a misuse of City authority.
This has been a misuse of Code Enforcement authority.
None of this should have happened.
This residency should not have had to put up with any if it.
Thank you. Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.

Note:These latest sent emails are being posted at the end of this segment obviously out of sequence because of a posting problem.Disregard them until the end of the blog where they belong.Sorry for the inconvenience.Thank you.

6-1-10. 91-1-10.THERE HAS BEEN A PROBLEM PROCEEDING TO THE NEXT SET OF EMAILS, NEWER POSTS, WHERE THERE IS A LOT OF INFORMATION. JUST KEEP TRYING. THANK YOU. Ultimately, the entire blog will be put inside the website for safer keeping.Thank you.
It might be a good idea, if interested in the contents,to copy the next segment when it is available.No more will be added to that segment.The website and blog were put up for help and referral, both kind of in a hurry.The blog format was not well thought out at the beginning.Thank you.
There is difficulty getting into the last segment which has a lot of information.Printouts and the whole segment on one email are available.
This BLOG has to be reset up and will eventially be put into the website in its entirety for safer keeping as protection and referral are still necessary.Thank you.


